Monday, June 13, 2005

wierd things perfectly normal parents make their kids do

Top ten wierd things that perfectly normal parents make their kids do

1) eat disgusting, mooshy brown spots on fruit. No adult would do such a thing.
2) ditto to charred toast edges.
3) learn how to throttle and imobilize someone using ancient aisian dance techniques.
4) play outside during any and all daylight hours in temperatures ranging from 20-110 degrees farenheit.
5) wear foam-laden, neon-colored swimsuits that resemble rain barrels and render swimming, and all arm movement, nearly impossible.
6) demonstrate musical, artistic, gymnastic, and asian throttling abilities to any and all dinner guests, home and visiting teachers, and innocent passers-by
7) wear the jeans that got washed with a red sweatshirt, and the white leotard that got washed with jeans. Just to let you know: it is not fun to be the only purple ballerina in the class.
8) trick-or-treating. Do we really want to teach our kids the lesson that dressing up in masks, demanding plunder, and threatening the kind elderly couple next door is the way to do it?
9) ditto for easter. So you've got a bunny that lays eggs. The eggs are filled with chocolate and candy. And this is all done in celebration of the ressurection of Christ. I hope you realize that you, as a parent, are going to have a lot of 'splainin' to do.
10) go to high school.


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